Sunday, October 12, 2008

I've been tagged

My adoption blogger friend Jennifer tagged me (

I'm supposed to reveal 7 weird or random facts about myself....let's see, I can't think of weird so let's go with random:

1)when i was in college i worked at a frozen yogurt store(not that weird) and one day the Red Hot Chili Peppers came in to ask for directions(my one brush with fame)

2)my feet look just like my dad's so i have to keep my toenails painted

3)i started wearing a bra in 6th grade and walked in on the first day of school and some boy named david announced that i grew boobs over the summer(i still need therapy for that one)

4)i can't carry a tune at all but love to sing

5)i just received a plaque in the mail yesterday from FSU with my maiden name on it and 'meto conference women's swimming championship' 1990/1991, and a note saying 'sorry this is 17 years late'

6)i love being at the beach at sunset

7)i have 4 sisters, 1 sister-in-law and 13 nieces and nephews....can you say FUN family reunions...

I now have to tag 7 people:

ok, so i only tagged 5....


Jennifer Cheer said...

Love your 7 things! I remember the 6th grade...same here - those Boys were embarrassing! Too funny about your plaque! I too can not carry a tune and can break glass with my awful voice:)
Looking forward to hearing more about your China journey!
Be Blessed-
Jennifer Cheer

Upstatemamma said...

How are things going? I love your seven things. So cool!!